Margery Flann’s Will 1733

Margery’s husband Thomas died in 1714 leaving everything to her, and this Will provides a great deal of information about the family. Two of her four sons, William and Abraham, were her Executors. The Will divided the property between the four sons Richard (d. 1740), Thomas, William and Abraham as follows:

To William a meadow called Rockerspoon, her rights in land known as Goatsland and her threshing barn in Chesil.

To Thomas part of arable land in Broadcroft and other land in Kingsbury.

To Richard the other part of the above land and other land.

To Abraham her new dwellinghouse and old stable with a wish that William should live in the old house while a widowman.

To her granddaughter Margery, daughter of Richard, her gold ring.

Accompanying the will is an inventory:

An Inventory of the Goods of Margery fflanns, late of Portland in the County of Dorset appraised thie fourth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty two.

Item. One feather bed and bolster, two pillows, two pairs of sheets and two pair of body blankets appraised at #2.10s.0d.

Item. One bedstead, three pairs of pillow cases and two pairs of half sheets. 12s.0d.

Item. Six old cloths (bed hangings?) and posts and one Truck (truckle?) 9s.0d.

Item. One old brown kettle, one skillet, one brass pot and one iron pot. #1.5s.0d.

Item. Two pewter dishes, one pestle and mortar, one pewter candlestick and pewter salt cellar. 17s.6d

Item. One brown bottle, four small barrels, six tubs, three kilns. 4s.0d.

Item. Two table boards, one frame, three chairs. 5s.0d.

Item. One small settle in Chimney, one stool, one small pair brandogs, one pair of Bellows. 3s.6d.

Item. One pail, one pair of tongs, 16 earthen dishes. 1s.6d.

Item. All other small items of Household worth not worth nominating. 3s.6d.

Item. All her wearing apparel. £5.0s.0d.

The full appraisal amounts to £12.1s.0d.

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