William Flann, Land Transactions and Will

William Flann was the third son of Thomas and Margery. He was also a younger brother of eldest brother Richard (d. 1740) from whom we descend.

These transactions offer some insight into Flann family activities at this time. For it appears he was a successful farmer, owning houses, buildings and land as the Manorial Court records in the years from 1745 to 1750 record numerous transactions concerning his lands. For example, in 1751 he surrendered “one dwelling house, barn, stable, Yard, a house called the Bakehouse and one other messuage or dwelling house in the occupation of William Elliott.”

Also listed is land in Westfields, Goatland, Inmosthay (this is land that lay between Easton Street and Wide Street and part is identified to the north on the map of Easton that follows later) and Eastfield. For this a Bernard Bishop paid him £100.

Presumably, William now in his seventies was retiring from active farming. He retained some property however, for in his Will proved in 1772, he left his “house, barn, stable, yard, garden meadow, pasture and arable land to his loving cozen Margery Elliott.”

We do not know who Margery Elliott was but it is another indication of a possible close connection with the Elliott family.

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